Silver Birch Brotherhood came back to us again
Session 3 : Maras (2)

Session 3 : Maras (2)

(Recorded on November 6th 2016)

Greetings. Tonight, as I said before, we will talk again about the ones that are in great thirst for Love. They are unconsciously seeking love and wanting to be loved by someone so much that, as far as we see, they cannot help but attack the humans.

It is obvious that their ways of attacking bring you much trouble. For example, when the attacks occur, you feel pain in the chest, feel somehow heavier than usual, or feel tired. It is just like when you are dominated by some negative emotions.

In order to prevent these symptoms, you need to cut the cords that are attached between you and the mara. These cords are called psychic cords or ethereal cords. In some cases, they can be healthy ones, but in most cases, they are unhealthy cords.

When you have these unhealthy cords attached, they bring you the symptoms such as tiredness, weariness, pain in the chest or the feeling of heaviness in your body.

To heal these symptoms, just call the one who have the sacred swords and ask him/her to cut the cords. I just like to mention here Archangel Michael as an example.

Because Michael is an angel, he cannot cut the cords without your request. When you request Archangel Michael to do it, just say to him like this, “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please cut all the unnecessary cords attached to me.”

If you are a great clairsentient, you will feel shaken or relieved when the cords are cut. Or if you are a great clairvoyant, you will see the scene Archangel Michael is cutting the cords. So far is tonight. We will talk about the remaining of the story on the next occasion.

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