Silver Birch Brotherhood came back to us again
Session 6 : Happy Holidays

Session 6 : Happy Holidays

(Recorded on December 24th 2016)

Greetings. Lady and gentleman. A Happy Holiday!! We are holy brotherhood and sisterhood.


Hello, everyone on earth! Our medium always receives our messages in his own mother’s tongue. But today, as a new trial, we talked to his in English. The result is the message above.

So we decided again to talk to the medium in his mother’s tongue as everyone has his/her skillful language. If we do so, our message would appear more often on this blog.

The medium received this message only two minutes before the scribe wrote it down. We are very happy because the medium receives our message very fast and precisely enough. And we think we continue to work with the medium and the scribe.

We hope all of you have nice happy holidays. And believe or have the intent that you are always surrounded by Love.

Thank you.

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