Silver Birch Brotherhood came back to us again
Session 1 : First Contact

Session 1 : First Contact

(Recorded on November 6th, 2016)

(Today, I had contact with an existence who called himself a member of the Brotherhood of Silver Birch. Previously I had had some short contacts with one of the members, but this is the first time that I have long one. Even now I cannot completely believe it but he was so pressing that I would like to publish this contact log.)

Greetings, all people on earth. Blessings to you all.

As you already know, this is a wonderful moment to commemorate our new partnership, not only because we have first contact, but also because this will become the testimony that we have had contact with human beings again at the dawn of the new era.

I am one of the members of the Brotherhood of Silver Birch who spoke through Maurice Barbanell in the 20th century. As a member of the Brotherhood, I would like to be anonymous, but in this conversation, you can call me John Brooks for example.

I think I am trying to talk here about the fact that in this world there are the souls not yet to be saved, and in some ways we can save them.

These souls are the ones who are deeply indulging themselves in the darkness and who are not able to walk towards the light. To save them, you can pray to the Great White Spirit that they could walk towards the light, or pray to the angels that they shall lead them towards the light.

And yet the simplest way is Love. When you direct your love towards that kind of the souls, they shall be saved and cleansed in the world of light.

It is so far today, because it is the first day for us. The remains are to be told at the later occasions.

For all the existence on earth that has life. With all my love from the bottom of my heart.

John Brooks

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