Silver Birch Brotherhood came back to us again
Session 7 : Law of Attraction (3)

Session 7 : Law of Attraction (3)

(Recorded on December 23rd, 2017)

Greetings, everyone. I am John Brooks.

There was a long time between the talks. It was because both the medium who had been receiving our messages and the scribe who had been writing down the messages and translating them into English were busy.
Even in those times, we were communicating through the talks in dreams or channelings in a short time.
And the result is today’s story.

This time, we would like to talk about the attraction of money. Maybe you have some interest, I presume.

If you are not able to have pride in your job or have dissatisfaction and discontent, you cannot love your job. When you are in such a state, you need to change your job. You need such things that you are full of pride and happiness when you are working, and commitment that you do not compromise your daily work.

It has no problem when you are lucky enough to have already a good job, or possibly you may find such a job. But there are problems when you can not change your job. In such a case, you need to take action for your job. Simply speaking, love your job. (But it is not including bad jobs at black companies.)

If you do not have enough salary now, imagine that you are promoted and get better salary. And if you are in the company where there is no possibility of such a promotion, it would be better for you to change the job, thinking about what job you should choose and how much salary you want to get. When you change the job, you have to listen to your heart for what you really want to make you happy.

In another way, it is also good that you go to a different dimensional universe, where your dream already has come true, and get the spiritual force or power shared from yourself who has already fulfilled your dream and ask him/her for the way of thinking and the objective you need. This can be done by guided meditation.

Returning to the original theme, this guided meditation is the law of attraction itself. You attract the thing you are dreaming of, by going to the parallel universe where your dream has come true, or by going to the dimension where your dream has been fulfilled.

At that place where there is what you want, you can touch it, you can feel the satisfaction of having gotten it, or you can have any other feelings and emotions. As you have already noticed, this is the feeling of happiness and the love for it.

To attract something, you must be positive to the object. The stronger your positiveness is, the faster your dream comes true. Let’s start with a tiny thing at the beginning. For example, you want to eat a doughnut. For the first several times, you intend that you have eaten a doughnut, and pray to the spirits in the high dimension. Then if within a few days your intention is fulfilled, your power of attraction is active.

But do not be disappointed if your power of attraction is not active. Your intention will be fulfilled if you go to the confectionery and buy a doughnut.

After you feel the satisfaction of your dream being fulfilled at the unconscious mind level fully, then please intend that you want to drink a cup of coffee for the next time. Of course, you can intend a cup of tea instead of coffee. Please choose and concentrate on your favorite beverage and try to attract it or go out to buy it. The most important thing is the satisfaction that you get your favorite item. And it has nothing to do with the way whether your prayer was fulfilled or you used other method to get the item.

As you come to know once you try to start to attract something, the most significant part is the satisfaction that you got the item and the love for it. It might be good that you write how much you love the item you get on the notebook or diary.

This is the elementary step of the law of attraction. The next step is told the next time.

Have a good night. Thank you.

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