Silver Birch Brotherhood came back to us again
Session 8 : AURASOMA

Session 8 : AURASOMA

(Recorded on October 16th 2018)

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are well.

There is a very long span between the articles. But it is needed for our scribe and channeler. We have been discussing many times what we should write on our blog when they are sleeping.

And we decided that we will write the article regarding the very sensitive people against the dark existences. Are you ready now? So let’s start.

At this time, there are many spiritual items in the world. While we have been testing these commercial items, we came to the conclusion that the items of the AURASOMA in Britain were the best items for this purpose.

So, we just want to give a small lecture on the usage of these items. The RED of EQUILIBRIUM bottle supports your energy very strongly. Its support is so strong that you need to use it in the morning. The best time to use it is when you wake up.

And DEEP RED of Pommander is also good. This bottle protects you against dark spiritual entities. With this bottle, I think many of you feel better.

Then SERAPIS BEY and DJWAL KHUL of Quintessence are also nice. These items keep you clear for some time. Please check the usage on the Web pages.

Possibly in some countries, there are online documents you can find. So, it might be good that you try to find and read them.

Our channeler is very good at using these bottles. He focuses on this moment and chooses the bottles of EQUILIBRIUM, Pommander, and Quintessence suitable for the time of need. He did not study it officially but only had read the documents of them. But even so, he has very good skills in choosing the best bottles.

If you have any interest in these items, it would be good to go to school. (My channeler wants to go to school and to study it when he can have a long vacation the next time because he is busy now. In a sense, there is a tendency in the human world that people only acknowledge the person who has the qualification or the certification without paying attention to whether they really master the subject.)

Our scribe uses DEEP RED of Pommander very often. He is very sensitive spiritually, so he has to protect himself from various dark energies.

If you study AURASOMA, you can understand that this system is extremely interesting. We would like to recommend you to study this system. This is a very useful system that we did not have in the past.

So, we are looking forward to seeing you the next time. Thank you.

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