Silver Birch Brotherhood came back to us again
Session 4 : Law of Attraction (1)

Session 4 : Law of Attraction (1)

(Recorded on November 6th 2016)

Greetings, everyone on earth!

Do you have any gratitude for the house in which you are living? Do you have any complaint about it because it is not large enough or it is not satisfying? Or do you think your house is nice and pleasant?

Previously we have talked about love and the maras. And today’s topic about your house is also about the story of love.

Love is an emotion that vibrates at high frequency. The vibration influences your physical body, all energy fields in the above three-dimensional world, auras and chakras. And it also has an influence on the houses that are physical three-dimensional substances.

The more you think your house is comfortable, the more you attract the love that is emitted from the vast universe. In a consequence, the house is going to be wrapped with higher frequent vibration, which makes the house much more comfortable.

On the contrary, the more you have complaints about your house, the less you have love for the house, and it attracts lower frequent vibration, which makes the house much more unpleasant.

You know what I am talking about. It is the law of attraction. You attract money. You attract a person. You attract things. And you attract every lovely gifts that are given by the Great White Spirit. Or, in some cases, you attract the maras that are in great thirst for love.

On the next occasion, I will talk about a technique about the law of attraction. I hope you read this blog with love. So long.

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